Welcome to GoJimmo, the heart and soul of our family’s creative escapades! My name is Justin Jimmo, and together with my wonderful fiancée, Staci Coldham, we’ve turned our love for festive competitions into a tradition that brings laughter, joy, and a whole lot of creativity to our family and friends.

Our Journey:

Our adventure began in 2017, with a simple idea and a lot of enthusiasm. We wanted to create something that would bring our loved ones together, sparking joy and fostering a sense of community. And thus, GoJimmo was born.

Gingerbread Galore:

Our gingerbread competition was where it all started. Armed with home-baked gingerbread that was, quite frankly, a structural engineer’s nightmare, we dove headfirst into the world of candy canes and icing. It was a day of laughter and camaraderie as everyone became makeshift engineers, using pop cans, toothpicks, and any reinforcements they could find to keep their gingerbread creations standing tall. It was messy, it was chaotic, but most importantly, it was fun.

Pumpkin Perfection:

Not to be outdone, our pumpkin carving contest quickly became a highlight of the year. What started as a few laughs and some friendly competition has evolved into a showcase of incredible talent and creativity. Our contestants have seriously upped their game over the years, turning pumpkins into works of art that never fail to amaze.

Overcoming Challenges:

Of course, like many, we’ve faced our share of challenges. From childbirth to the global pandemic, there were moments when our beloved contests had to take a backseat. But we’ve persevered, and we’re thrilled to say that things are back on track and better than ever.

Looking Ahead:

As we look to the future, we’re excited for the great contests and memorable moments that lie ahead. We’re committed to keeping the spirit of GoJimmo alive, fostering a sense of fun, creativity, and community that brings us all together.

Get in Touch:

Have questions, suggestions, or just want to say hi? Feel free to reach out to me at justin_jimmo@hotmail.com. We love hearing from our GoJimmo family!

Here’s to many more years of laughter, creativity, and unforgettable contests!

Warmest Wishes, Justin & Staci